I'm a senior development engineer at DTU Energy. My work includes developing software for controlling the equipment used in our laboratories, including equipment used in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
As part om my job i am the senior developer and maintainer of the following open source projects:
During my masters project on pegmatites in southern Norway, a program
for indexing negatives from the TEM-microscopes vas developed.
It can be accessed online at www.soerko.dk/cgi-soerko/tem.cgi or downloaded for free;
The source code: "crystal.c" includes "vector_math.c" (Both files must be downloaded)
DOS users can download and unzip the file: crystal.zip
Win95/98-users can download and unzip: Crystal32.zip
The sourcecode is available in Source.zip
My interests are:
Here you can see some pictures from my trip to Sicily in 1999, and more important to Etna. The volcano was quite active when i was there :-)